Difficulty Breakdown of NEET Medical UG Entrance Exam Subject-Wise

Any NEET aspirant would know that every subject in NEET presents its distinct challenges, which collectively enhance the overall complexity of the examination.

Physics: The Most Challenging Subject

Physics has repeatedly been recognized as the most difficult subject in NEET. It assesses students on intricate concepts and necessitates a solid grounding in both problem-solving skills and conceptual comprehension.

Particular Challenges:  Subjects such as Mechanics, Electrostatics, and Modern Physics frequently take precedence in the Physics curriculum, necessitating a comprehensive understanding and the ability to apply concepts effectively.

Chemistry: Striking a balanced mix

Although often regarded as less intimidating than Physics, Chemistry in the NEET examination encompasses a broad spectrum of subjects. The difficulty level fluctuates, with questions ranging from simple factual inquiries to intricate conceptual challenges.

Biology: The Comparatively Simpler Segment

Biology is frequently regarded as the subject that offers higher scoring potential in the NEET examination. Nevertheless, it necessitates a comprehensive grasp of an extensive syllabus, encompassing in-depth knowledge of human physiology, genetics, and ecology.

Topic and Concept Importance in Challenging Examinations

The allocation of subjects and the emphasis placed on different concepts are essential factors in establishing the difficulty level of the NEET examinations.


Heavy-Weightage Topics: Mechanics and Electrostatics have consistently demonstrated considerable importance. Mastery of the fundamental principles and their practical application is essential for these subjects.


Core Concepts: Organic Chemistry, especially the topics of Hydrocarbons and Chemical Bonding, frequently constitutes a significant part of the Chemistry curriculum. A comprehensive grasp of these subjects is essential for achieving high scores.


Key Focus Areas; Human Physiology and Ecology are often highlighted in the NEET examination. Questions derived from these subjects assess the extent of students’ comprehension and their capacity to apply theoretical concepts.